Alright, guys. I admit it. I am REALLY on a Hunger Games kick right now. Having just finished the first book again, this is somewhat understandable.
You know a book is good when it's actually better the second time.
I mean, it was good enough the first go around. But this time I'm already attached to the characters, and I know what is going to happen. And I was somehow hoping that it wouldn't happen again.
It did. I was dying the entire time. No pun intended.
But I was. I cried at the Rue thing. (I won't say what the Rue thing is, because some haven't finished them yet. But if you have, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.) That, for me, is seriously the emotional low/high of the whole thing. And when I say that I mean it's a low because it's awful, but it's a high in terms of the amount of emotion.
And holy cow, the girl who is cast to play her in the movie is SO FREAKING CUTE.
I am sorry for my overzealous use of all caps. But sometimes I just need to do it.
Back to business. She is adorable. Even if the movie turns out to be crap, I will cry there for sure.
In other news, Josh Hutcherson as Peeta: YES!
He may not be blonde, but face shape-wise and general build-wise he's exactly how I see Peeta in my head. Also, he's a spectacular actor. And I'd rather have a great actor than a good look alike any day.
Basically, this movie has the potential to go the way that all of these movies do -hollywood blockbuster that destroys the story and the only thing good are the effects - but I don't think it will. So far, according to everything that I've read about the director and about Jennifer Lawrence, I really think that they are trying to make a legitimately good movie interpretation of this.
Let us all hope that my faith has been well placed.
Time for the confession: I was already excited about this movie. I think I posted about it before, actually. But having just re-read the first book and re-looked up movie info, right now my excitedness is even over-shining the last Harry Potter movie.
Shocking, I know!
But it is. I'm beyond psyched for the midnight showing of the final HP in 3 weeks, but honestly, right now I wish it was the Hunger Games. It'll cool down again, I'm sure. But for real, I'm hyper excited.
Okay. That is all.
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