Monday, April 30, 2012

I Finally Understand

For as long as I've seen them around, these

have inexplicably been a source of great annoyance to me. 

Was it the sheer cutsie-ness? The pastel colors and basket that made the girl look like she came straight from a Doris Day movie?

Was it the fact that everyone and their poodle had one?

Or was it simply the fact that I just don't like the way they look?

Maybe all of the above, just a little. But I think I've finally figured it out. You see, the handlebars are very long. So when  girl rides a beach cruiser, she doesn't lean over the handlebars, as on a normal bike.

She sits up very straight.

Not only does this make her look like Doris Day's evil clone. It brings to mind another biker. One who also sits up very straight, rides and old-fashioned bike, and looks extraordinarily pleased with herself.

Doo doodoo doodoo doooooo doo doodoo doodoo doooooooo


Fake nostalgia bikes = Evil witches

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