Cat's reaction: Slyly observe while pretending to be asleep or unconcerned
Dog's reaction: Bark
If the stranger turns out to be dangerous
Cat's reaction: Slash face with claws. Bite jugular. Threat neutralized.
Dog's reaction: Bark
Cat's reaction: Move/climb things until an escape route is discovered or created
Dog's reaction: Bark
When left alone while owners are on vacation
Cat's reaction: Cool. I get the house to myself.
Dog's reaction: Whimper with loneliness. (A variation on 'bark')
Cat's reaction: Scope the area from a sniper's POV. Keep a secure perimeter.
Cat's reaction: Kill snake. Threat neutralized.
Dog's reaction: Jump between the snake and the children. Then bark.
When mice invade the house
Cat's reaction: Kill mice. Threat neutralized. Tasty snack acquired.
Dog's reaction: Bark.

Meaning when a dog sits on your lap: Nothing. They do it 64 times a day.
When nature calls
Cat's reaction: Discretely relieve oneself. Bury evidence.
Dog's reaction: Go wherever the heck I feel like it. Preferably where someone will step in it.
When nature calls while inside
Cat's reaction: Go to the litter box
Dog's reaction: Bark.
When nature calls, and one is trapped indoors
Cat's reaction: Go to the litter box.
Dog's reaction: Go wherever the heck I feel like it. The middle of the floor looks nice.
Cat's reaction: Sit on the food box and stare with soulful eyes. If owners are not present, acquire tasty snack. Preferably mammalian (Mice or similar.)
Dog's reaction: Bark.
Cat's reaction: Find something to play with. Usually strings or insects. Problem resolved.
Preferred toys
Dog: Couch cushions, slippers, newspapers, favorite shoes, favorite shirt, favorite antique.
When happy
Cat's reaction: This is the life.
Dog's reaction: I'm so happy I could just BARK!
When excited
Cat's reaction: Cool.
Dog's reaction: Knock owners down with unbounded energy while barking like a maniac.
Cat's reaction: Enemy sighted. Extermination plan initiated. Drop on back. Blind with left hook. Decapitate. Threat neutralized.
Dog's reaction: Bark.
When lonely
Cat's reaction: What is this loneliness of which you speak?
Dog's reaction: Sad and mournful
When getting a tummy rub
Cat's reaction: Purr
Dog's reaction: Affectionate bark
Cat's reaction: Food supply, limited. Rationing initiated. Supplement by acquiring snacks. (Mammalian or avian, preferred. Reptilian or insect, acceptable.)
Dog's reaction: Look at all this food! Nomnomnomnom. *starves for three days*
Cat's reaction: Oh, look. The mail. *sleeps*
Dog's reaction: Bark.
Cat's reaction: And your point is...?
Dog's reaction: Rub, slobber, and jump all over the person in question. Then Bark.
When something surprises it
Cat's reaction: Freeze. Extend claws. Be prepared for anything. Analyze threat. Neutralize if necessary.
Dog's reaction: Bark.
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