Seriously, for every one Obama smear picture I see somewhere, I see at least 16 Romney/Ryan smears. And I'm not even exaggerating that number. Facebook side ads. Pop ups. Shares on my home page. I'm ready to go burn someone's house down, it annoys me so much.
Is it because I'm a Romney supporter?
It's because I'm a fair-treatment supporter.
We shouldn't be voting for people based on how good they look in swim trunks, or how easy it is to make derp faces in photoshop. That entirely defeats the purpose of these elections. Things like this shouldn't exist at all, on either side. But they definitely shouldn't exist only on one side.
No joke, I have not seen one single photoshopped Obama derp on my facebook wall. Or in a pop up. Or in a random email ad. Not once. I lost count of how many Romney loser pictures I've seen.
So what if I like Romney better than Obama? Does that inherently make me a retard? Am I automatically relegated to a lower IQ level because I make different choices than you do?
Democrats and liberals make a huge stink about being open minded, and "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you do."
It's all a big fat lie.
Because I don't approve of Obama's policies, I'm automatically a racist.
Because I prefer the ideas of a guy who's easy to photoshop, I'm automatically a retard.
If I started putting doofy pictures of Obama up here, do you know how many people would hunt me down and set fire to my apartment? But it's okay to smear Romney 3 times a day with derp pictures and Pinocchio noses...
Oh wait. I forgot. Romney is a rich white guy. Obama is only a millionaire black guy. Forgive me for laboring under the mistaken impression that all men were created equal.
I googled pictures. Do you know how easy it is to find Romney doofus pics? I tried googling Obama pics, and there are about 3. All the same ones. And this was the best they could do for me.
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