Dear men, boys, and all those dudes who think they're men but aren't yet,
I hate playing sports with you. I continuously try to give second and third chances. The benefit of a doubt. The opportunity to not be complete morons. Alas, I remain disappointed. Yet again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.
You get the idea. (I hope).
In case you're too dumb to figure out why, allow me to make a list:
- You pass the ball to hopeless guys before you'll ever pass to a girl, no matter how good they are.
- You are completely blind to openings. Showing off is boring to everyone else. And trying to take the ball all the way down the court/field on your own is showing off.
- Guy is good but covered. Girl is only ok, but COMPLETELY FREAKING OPEN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COURT WAVING WILDLY AND CALLING FOR THE BALL. And who does it get passed to? The guy, duh. Where it proceeds to get intercepted.
- Stopping the game in the middle in order to throw sticks at each other is a sign of low intelligence.
There are other things too. But this list is just some of the stuff that happened today.
You may not believe me. You may think I'm being overly harsh. That not all guys are like that, and I'm making it sound way worse than it really is. That you wouldn't do it if you were there.
Then would you care to explain to me how the exact same things happen every single time, no matter what sport it is, or who the guys are?
There are a lot of things about guys that I think get over done. They deserve a lot of flack in certain subjects. But this is not one of them. In 8 years of singles ward FHE's and ward activities, I have not one single time played with guys where at least one of these things did not happen. Usually more than one.
People don't guard me. Whether it be because I'm invisible, or because I'm good at getting away, or even because they just all think I suck, people just don't guard me. Today, for example, I was in the middle of a patch of ice. No one was with within 5 feet on any side of me. 3 times. 3 times! Did I ever once touch the ball without diving into the midst of a rumble and fighting for it? Nope.
I'm just tired of it. The end.
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