So, before we get to the actual post, I would like to offer an exciting prize in commemoration. And by exciting I mean fun, but there will be no million dollar sweepstakes involved. I am sorry if this disappoints you.
The prize is as follows:
The first person to comment will be featured in my next post. You will have the option of choosing either
A) The topic of discussion, on which I must reveal my deep, dark secrets and opinions
B) A story featuring the commentee, in which they get to choose the genre and several elements that I must some how form into a coherent plot.
Either choice will be accompanied by original illustrations by me.
- Comment on the blog, not on the facebook link
- It must be a real comment. None of this "First comment!" or "Pick me!" nonsense.
- Your topic of choice cannot involve anything overtly inappropriate.
- No, I will not divulge my social security number
Here follows today's post: A list of things that, for whatever reason, people seem to think that I should be embarrassed about.
- Legitimately listening to Abba, Backstreet Boys, and some Disco
- Making money off of Harry Potter wands
- Lightsaber fighting with roommates
- Sleeping on sailboat sheets
- Owning several Dr. Seuss hats
- Baby pictures - I was cute! Why should I hate them?
- Dressing up for the HP premieres
- Sock puppets
- Veggie Tales
- Old songs in general - Just because they aren't popular anymore doesn't mean that I have to stop liking what I like.
- Videos of me doing weird things - Blackmail doesn't work on me. Sorry.
- Legos
- Owning a cloak
- My lack of fashion sense
- Getting really into books when I'm reading
- Finding most makeup and all pedicures to be extraneous and unnecessary
Efalump - He's comfy to sleep with. Deal with it.
- Girls camp pictures
- Army men
- Hot wheels
- Toys in general
- The label "nerd"
- My interest in dangerous animals
- The largeness of my fantasy-esque movie soundtrack list
- Fraggle rock
Man, there are so many things that I've gotten the standard "I wouldn't tell people that" response to. And I just can't remember them right now. The sadness. But really, if I'm telling you, does it look like I'm embarrassed about it?
Besides dressing up for Harry Potter, there is nothing on your list that seems to be too weird. I too enjoy songs of ABBA, and though I don't like the backstreet boys, I do have a weird affinity for the songs of the Spice Girls.
So, I choose a story involving me (mainly to see if you can do it) I would like it to be a space age thriller involving robots where people have mutant powers. And at least one person has to have the power of teleportation. The last thing, you have to make up a word that means "cool" in that time. good luck.
I demand to be featured in your next post! I will bake you delicious cookies if you do...
and I will happily exchange cake for your social security number.
Ooh, exciting. This should be fun. Anything could happen. A few days will tell.
Mandy, you have yourself a deal. You may become a side character in exchange for either cookies or cake.
As far as the SS number, you were outbid before you started. You'll have to up the stakes. Sorry.
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