Wednesday, May 30, 2012

So... Pokemon...

It got super popular right at the same time that my age group hit the "we have to be cool and grown up now" stage, so no one I knew was ever into it. I didn't actually know what Pokemon was all about, until last week.

Here follows the conversation that took place:

Me: So, what is Pokemon even about. I never really knew.
Coworker: Well, there are all these little monsters called pokemon. You pick one out and train it to fight against other pokemons.
Me: What? Like gladiators?
Coworker: Kind of. I guess so.
Me: And kids were allowed to watch this show?

Today I saw another pokemon book on the shelf. The pokemons were all cutsie and big-eyed, and a little over-the-top precious.

So right now I'm just sitting here wondering why it's okay to have a show/video game where you choose precious, adorable critters, train them for battle, and then send them into gladiator arenas to fight against each other, thus turning them from this >

To this  <  (Which is still darn cute, but obviously battle-hardened.)

And people complain about the Hunger Games.

So, yeah. This post isn't really about anything. I was just shocked. Taken by surprise is all. Carry on.

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