Bad things happen to good people. Nothing is fair.
Children growing up too fast. Children dying too young.
No matter what you do, the odds will never be in your favor.
Temporary alliances that can't last. Betrayal as a way of life.
Every man for himself. Fight to the death. Only one victor.
Sometimes it feels that way. People go around thinking that it's them against the world. That this is nothing but one big competition. That in order to succeed, you have to beat out everyone else.
This is a big honkin' lie.
Life is not the Hunger Games.
I'd be a flat out liar if I said that life was always easy. It isn't. Neither is the zombie apocalypse.
But the zombie apocalypse is not one-victor-only. And neither is life.
Yes, it will still be hard. There will be monsters, sleepless nights, rough living. There will be days with short rations, and other days spent on the run. Sometimes safe places will seem impossible to find.
Other back-stabbers will ally with you, only to sacrifice you for their own ambitions.
(Hey, Becca, we really need some more peanut butter.)
But like I said, this isn't a one-victor-only situation. You stand a better chance when you work together.Your alliances don't have to be temporary. It does not have to be every man for himself.
In the zombie apocalypse, the more people who survive, the more everyone is a winner when it's all over. And if you play it right, everyone makes it. Not just one. That is how life is supposed to be.
Also, read this post from my other blog. (It's super short, I promise.)
And don't forget: Unlike the zombie apocalypse, life isn't all monsters and hard times. Good things happen too. If you decide to ignore that, and focus on the bad stuff, that's your own idiot fault.
I'm super proud of this zombie. I think I did pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.
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