Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's that time again

That time when I haven't blogged for a little while. And when I don't have any idea about what to blog. That time when the audience (such as it is) gives their input.

Once upon a time, I had a sort of contest. The first to respond to my post with a comment was the subject of a story, and got to choose several elements. (see here:)

And I think the story actually turned out really fun. (See here:) In fact, it covered 4 posts. I liked it quite a bit.

So let's do it again.

First person to comment gets to be the main character in a story. They will choose the genre and at least one random element.

The second person to comment gets to either be a side-character or to choose two other random story elements.

If there is a third person (wishful thinking here) then they can surprise me. Consider it a wild card. Whatever you want. (Within reason.)

The same rules apply as last time.

  • Comment on the blog, not on the facebook link
  • It must be a real comment. None of this "First comment!" or "Pick me!" nonsense.
  • Your topic of choice cannot involve anything overtly inappropriate.
  • No, I will not divulge my social security number

That's pretty much it. Onward Ho.


Mandy Phillips said...

FIRST COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mandy Phillips said...

Kidding. I legitimately want to be in one of your stories because you are hilarious.

Simkins said...

I want to pick two random plot elements, but I need a genre.

Sra said...

She's debating it as we speak. (Type). But soon. (I hope. She's also plotting some revenge on me, so who knows what may happen.) ;)

Mandy Phillips said...

Vampire romance. A hilarious one.

Simkins said...

Can't do it. Not even as a revenge plot would I like to contribute to the paranormal romance section of literary-dom. The fact that is its own section at B&N makes me sad. Good luck.