Friday, March 11, 2011

Thinking is against my principles

I wonder about really random things sometimes. And by random I mean when I ask said questions to other people, they give me that look. You know the one.

There wasn't really a point to this. I was just typing.

One of the random things I thought about once was what would my knight coat of arms look like if I was in a medieval tournament. It would have to be cool but really simple at the same time. Also, as much as I really like bright colors, I like metallics better. Especially when they're set off with black. I'd definitely need black.

The other day in church I drew this. Or rather, I drew one just like it and made this in paint when I got home. In my book the gray is actually silver.

It actually turned out kind of awesome. So even though I'm super indecisive, and would have a horribly hard time picking out something that would be as permanent as a crest or a banner for my family name, I'd be pretty okay with this.

I've been watching Rugrats episodes. I miss it when cartoons were actually good. Or at least cheesy. Most of the ones that are on now are just stupid.

Also, Fraggle Rock. It's ridiculous, but I still really enjoy it.

I learned something interesting about myself by watching this. I realized that my favorite character in each was kind of the same. Boober and Chuckie. (And Wembley a little bit too, but Boober more.) Both awkward. Both doom-sayers. Both scared of just about everything ever.

The problem is that I still haven't been able to figure out whether I like them most because they're so ridiculous, or whether it's because I inherently connect with them on some kind of inner level. As much as I hope it's the first, I have a sneaking suspicion that it may be the second. Either that or it's the fact that I tend to get annoyed with mainstream, good at everything, slightly arrogant main characters. Like Gobo. Or Harry Potter. Or even Robin Hood on occasion. (But not as often.)

Maybe it's a little bit of all three. *shrug*

Once upon a time there was a point to all this.

Wait... that's a lie. There wasn't. Oh well.


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